
2024-05-03 16:10:05 黑道

Today, I watched a video called "Everyday English" which taught me some useful English phrases that I can use in my daily life. In the video, the presenter talked about how important it is to practice speaking English regularly in order to improve our language skills.
One of the phrases that I learned from the video is "Can you repeat that, please?" This phrase is very useful when you didn't hear or understand what someone said and you want them to say it again. By using this phrase, you can make sure that you fully understand what the other person is saying.
Another phrase that I found helpful is "I'm sorry, I don't understand." This is a polite way to let someone know that you didn't comprehend what they said and you need them to explain it to you in a different way. By using this phrase, you can avoid any misunderstandings in communication.
The video also taught me the phrase "Could you speak more slowly, please?" This is useful when someone is speaking too fast for you to follow along, and you need them to slow down so that you can understand them better. By asking them to speak more slowly, you can improve your listening skills and comprehend the conversation more effectively.
Overall, I found the video "Everyday English" to be very informative and practical. It reinforced the importance of practicing English on a regular basis and provided me with some useful phrases that I can use in my daily conversations. I will definitely incorporate these phrases into my language learning routine and work on improving my English communication skills.
